Your pathway to tranquility, strength and renewal.


Embark on a journey through a blend of traditional massage, shamanic energy healing or a blend of both.


Licensed Massage Therapist

I'm Tammy Thompson, your dedicated guide on a unique journey towards wellness. With over two decades of experience and a passion for holistic healing, I offer a unique blend of ancient and traditional massage, shamanic healing, and movement therapy. Private and group instruction are offered in yoga and dance.

My mission is to help you navigate your unique path toward tranquility, strength and renewal. Whether you're seeking the soothing comfort of a massage, the spiritual nourishment of Shamanic healing, or a tailored blend of both, I design each session to meet your needs.

My personal experiences, from confronting my own physical injuries to immersing myself in the age-old practice of Shamanism, have cultivated a deep understanding of the healing journey.

This journey is about more than just relieving discomfort; it's about fostering self-awareness, kindling your inherent capacity for self-healing, and aligning body, mind, and spirit. I invite you to learn more about my journey, education, and the passion behind my practice.


Uncover a haven of relaxation and healing right here in our community. My professional massage practice offers a serene escape from daily stresses, amidst nature's gentle embrace. With every session, I aim to guide you on a personalized path to tranquility and self-restoration. Here, healing is a shared journey, tailored to your individual needs.


Each healing and wellness service is meticulously designed to cater to your unique needs, promoting a harmonious
balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Massage Therapies:

  • Customized Massage

  • Ayurvedic Garshana Massage

  • Raindrop Therapy

  • Hawaiian Sacred Lomi Lomi

  • Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Energetic Healing:

  • Shamanic Energy Clearing

  • Sound Healing 

  • (Sound healing and/or Reiki may be incorporated within a massage)

Specialized Techniques:

  • Asian Reflexology

  • Reiki

  • (Specialized Techniques may be incorporated within a massage as needed)

Mind and Body Wellness:

  • Yoga, Dance and Movement

  • Meditation

Key Benefits

  • Personalized

    Every session is crafted to meet your unique needs, providing a pathway towards your personal healing and wellness.

  • Holistic

    Drawing from a rich array of healing modalities, I provide a well-rounded approach to address both physical and emotional ailments.

  • Experience

    Benefit from my comprehensive education and first-hand healing journey, ensuring a profound, empathetic understanding that nurtures true, lasting healing.

Embark on a Healing Journey

Embarking on a healing journey with me is about embracing a path towards serenity, a chance to rekindle harmony between your body and spirit. With each tailored session, we unlock the door to a tranquil realm where your well-being is the focal point, nurturing a true sense of inner peace.


I have been going to Tammy for nearly two decades, which right there is a testament to her incredible work. Tammy is such a skilled massage therapist and has so many different techniques and methods in her arsenal. As a shamanic practitioner, Tammy has worked her magic at shifting my energy. She is so attuned to the type of work I am in need of each time I see her, knowing just what oils and scents to use or what music to play. The way she approaches each massage or healing session is entirely tailored to my needs. Tammy is professional, compassionate, and passionate about her work. She is simply a joy and a miracle worker. That is why even though now after moving to a different state and over 100 miles away from her, I would still make the drive for her services.

-Amy R.

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Ready to Embrace Wellness?

Begin your journey of self-discovery and healing today with me at Mountain View Healing Arts. Embrace a personalized path of tranquility and strength, uniquely tailored to your needs.